The Rockefeller Institute of Government, in cooperation with the Office of the Governor and the New York State Division of the Budget, publishes the New York State Statistical Yearbook — a database for researchers in governmental functions such as education, transportation, and finances.
Map of New York State Counties
Map of New York State by Economic Development Region
Map of Metropolitan Statistical Areas of New York State
Map of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas of New York State
View detailed information on New York State’s agricultural sector, including crops grown, livestock raised, dairy production, and the economic impact of agriculture.
View detailed information on New York’s banking and insurance sectors, including commercial savings banks; life, property, and casualty insurance; health maintenance organizations; and stock exchanges.
View detailed information on education in New York State, including enrollment, school finance, degrees granted, tuition assistance, libraries, cultural organizations, and public broadcasting.
View detailed information on all aspects of elections in New York State, including registrations and enrollment, outcomes of state elections in 2012, and the latest Congressional and state legislative district maps.
View detailed information on employment in New York State, including labor force, unemployment insurance, employers, earnings, personal income, government employment, workers’ compensation, and professions.
View detailed information on energy production and utilization in New York State, including electricity generation, energy usage and demand, oil and gas consumption, and nuclear power generation.
View detailed information on the environment and the outdoors in New York State, including state parks and other commercial or public recreation; hunting and fishing; forest management; air, land, and water pollution; earthquakes; and mineral resources.
View detailed information on health and related topics in New York State, including hospitals, psychiatric centers, substance abuse treatment, Social Security, Medicaid, temporary and family assistance, Food Stamps, and foster care.
View detailed information on housing in New York State, including construction, homeownership, sale prices, mortgage rates, housing projects, and commercial buildings.
View detailed information on transportation-related topics in New York State, including highways, motor vehicles and licensing, bridges, public transportation, railroads, and airports and air transportation.
View detailed information on local government in New York State, including local government finances and employment, state aid, and property values.
View detailed information on the New York State government, including expenditures, tax revenue, fee revenue, lottery revenue, space leasing, debt, capital projects, public retirement, and state and local employment.
View detailed information on New York State’s people — including population characteristics, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, and immigration.