Jason West

Jason West is a 14th-generation Hudson Valley resident born and raised in Albany County. As a SUNY New Paltz graduate with degrees in history and visual art, West was elected to his first of two terms as mayor of New Paltz at the age of 25. As mayor, he focused on affordable housing, sustainable land use planning, and increasing public involvement in local government. He made international headlines in 2004 when he was arrested for marrying 25 same-sex couples, arguing that existing New York law already allowed marriage equality.

West is a founder and former executive director of the award-winning Wallkill River Watershed Alliance. The Alliance is devoted to restoring the health of the Wallkill River’s watershed with the aim of once again eating its fish and swimming in its waters. While working with the Alliance, West attended graduate school, earning an MS in climate science and policy from Bard College’s Center for Environmental Policy.

Since 2020, West has worked for the City of Albany, first as energy manager and currently as director of sustainability. He oversees a broad array of sustainability programs ranging from electric vehicle charging infrastructure to clean energy development to compiling greenhouse gas emissions inventories and leading efforts at community outreach.

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