Lecturer, School of Criminal Justice & Criminology, Texas State University
~ RGVRC Affiliate Scholar ~
H. Jaymi Elsass is a lecturer in the School of Criminal Justice at Texas State University. Her primary research interests include episodic violent crime, moral panics, fear of crime, and juvenile delinquency. Her research on mass shootings heavily centers on the impact of moral panic and the role of the media. She is the co-author of Mass Shootings: Media, Myths, and Realities and has published research in a wide array of academic journals, including American Journal of Criminal Justice, Homicide Studies, Crime, Law & Social Change, Security Journal, Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, Journal of Crime & Justice, and Sociological Inquiry, as well as contributing to several edited volumes.
Can Mass Shootings be Stopped?
July 27, 2023
This brief presents an analysis of 57 years of mass shootings data (1966–2022), including information on characteristics of perpetrators, types of firearms used, victimization, and an overview of how often and where mass public shootings occur. Continue Reading...