Citizenship Question on 2020 Census Could Affect State Representation and Federal Funding

The Question Could Reduce Federal Aid Levels in New York and Other States with Substantial Immigrant Populations


Albany, NY — The inclusion of a question about citizenship status on the 2020 census, announced Monday by U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, could have far-reaching consequences for state representation and federal funding distribution, particularly in states with large immigrant populations like New York.

In a new blog post, Rockefeller Institute researchers Heather Trela and Jeffrey M. Wice explain how the question could result in undercounting that would affect electoral politics and federal funding for years to come.

States with large immigrant populations, like New York, are at risk of losing significant federal funding (healthcare, education, social services) as well as political representation if the new question results in a census undercount.

Read the full post.

In the next several weeks, the Rockefeller Institute of Government will be launching a new program to provide analysis and policy recommendations regarding the 2020 census and redistricting. Be sure to follow us for the latest information and insights.
