M. Beatrice Grause, president of the Healthcare Association of New York State, discussed the state of healthcare in New York — including the looming single-payer debate — in a public policy address at the Rockefeller Institute of Government on Tuesday, November 27.
“We have a lot to talk about in 2019 — certainly single-payer will be part of that,” Grause said. “I hope as part of that conversation we talk not just about whether or not to publicly finance healthcare, but to have a deeper and a richer conversation around, ‘What are we actually financing and is it meeting the needs of 19 million New Yorkers?'”
Grause’s address, “Laying the Foundation for a Constructive Discussion of Healthcare in 2019,” covered the “past, present, and future” of healthcare in New York, drawing heavily on the lessons she learned as president and chief executive officer of the Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems during that state’s single-payer debate.
The address was followed by a Q&A session. Watch the full video, view her presentation, and see photos below.
> View/download the presentation