Rockefeller Institute of Government Releases Voters’ Guide on Upcoming Constitutional Convention Vote


Rockefeller Institute of Government Releases Voters’ Guide on Upcoming Constitutional Convention Vote


Albany, NY —Today, the Rockefeller Institute of Government released The Citizens’ Guide to the Constitutional Convention to educate New Yorkers about the question on this November’s ballot whether to call a constitutional convention.

The Citizens’ Guide to the Constitutional Convention provides an in-depth look at the process and issues surrounding a potential constitutional convention, including: an overview of the process; the history of conventions in New York; and various perspectives from those who support convening a constitutional convention, those who are against, alternative pathways to constitutional change, and potential agendas and issues to be considered at a convention.

“For many New Yorkers, there is confusion and questions surrounding a constitutional convention. Additionally, there is little awareness that the question of whether to call a constitutional convention is on this November’s ballot. Our hope is that this Citizens’ Guide will be an invaluable tool to help voters make an informed decision — either for or against— when voting next month,” said Jim Malatras, president of the Rockefeller Institute of Government.

The Citizens’ Guide includes contributions from important stakeholders and scholars across New York including Gerald Benjamin, Christopher Bopst, Richard Brodsky, Scott Fein, Peter Galie, Jessica Ottney Mahar, Jim Malatras, Andrew Pallotta, Karen Scharff, David Siracuse, and Heather Trela.

Read the Guide.