RGVRC Annual Report 2024

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March 4, 2025

Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium


In its second annual report, the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium (RGVRC) at the Rockefeller Institute of Government highlighted an expanded network of gun violence researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, expert media appearances in high-profile media outlets, and an extensive list of new publications.

While some preliminary data indicate that gun violence in the United States decreased in 2024, deaths and injuries from firearms remain elevated far outside the range of comparable nations. Further, funding for gun violence research is incommensurate with funding for research into other significant public health crises. The severity of this public health challenge combined with a lack of government investment in understanding and solving it, elevates the importance of research networks that provide interdisciplinary, evidence-based solutions to many aspects of the American gun violence issue.

The Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium’s network of more than 140 experts across 26 states provides policymakers and the public with a reliable and comprehensive resource for addressing gun violence. The 2024 annual report details the research and activities of this diverse network, highlighting publications, grant funding, public and policy outreach, and media appearances.

Highlights from the report include:

  • In 2024, the Consortium welcomed 29 new members and affiliate scholars.
  • The Consortium published 19 research papers, including reports, briefs, and blogs, covering issues such as police shootings, drugs and firearms, juveniles and guns, gun violence survivorship, firearm violence prevention policies, school and mass shootings, behavioral threat assessment, screening and suicide prevention, the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Rahimi, firearms and elections, and military firearm suicide risk.
  • Members of the Consortium also published more than 125 books, book chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles on a range of firearm-related topics.
  • Nearly $500,000 in grant funding was awarded to the Consortium in 2024, building on previously secured funding for ongoing projects.

View the full annual report.