December 28, 2018
New York State has long been home to some of the most racially and ethnically diverse counties in the country. New York’s largest racial and ethnic groups–African American/Black (AA/B), Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Hispanic/Latino (H/L) populations–grew in number by 16% from 2000 to 2016. Simultaneously, the population in New York State is aging. The number of people age 50-plus increased by 30% between 2000 and 2015 while the number of people 49 and younger declined by 6%.
Given these changing demographics, AARP is convening thought leaders, elected officials and leading organizations that serve New York’s communities of color in a multiyear effort to identify the racial and ethnic disparities that exist with New York State’s 50-plus population, and develop an action plan to introduce the policy change required to address these disparities. Several studies at the federal, state and local levels have shed light on racial and ethnic disparities, but few, if any, have led to the necessary policy change to address them, nor have they focused on New York’s 50-plus population. By closing the serious gaps that exist, people in AA/B, AAPI and H/L communities will enjoy the same stability and equal footing as everyone else, thus offering more choices related to how and where they live as they age.
For these reasons, this work is rather breakthrough and timely, considering that the AA/B, AAPI and H/L people age 50-plus now account for the majority (62%) of New York City’s 50-plus population and one-third (33%) of New York State’s 50-plus population.
The resulting policy recommendations and forthcoming legislative change are intended to improve the lives of 50-plus New Yorkers of color, with positive impact on mainstream communities across New York.
This initial report provides three policy briefs related to health, economic security and livability to begin outlining the key disparities that most impact New York’s AA/B, AAPI and H/L communities statewide, with particular focus on New York City, Long Island and Buffalo. These briefs will be used to spark a dialogue and gain stakeholder input that will be used to develop an action plan for addressing these disparities over the next 3-5 years.
AARP and partner organizations serving New York’s AA/B, AAPI and H/L communities invite everyone to review these briefings, provide input and join them in this effort.